Hello, welcome to my world. The world full of love. Sometimes i'm not sure axactly what i'll be writing about on this blog but this blog is about share, this is my playground where i can share everything that i have with you.

I am Ronald Selatan (rselatan) living and enjoing Bali so much, I'm a fulltime lover. People says if you want to know my self, just read up this blog. This is a site of LOVE.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Royal Boyband - Wonderful tonight

Tolong posing comment-nya ya di sini, comment terbaik akan mendapatkan "hadiah", maaf hadiah masih dirahasiakan.


Anonymous said...

Kayaknya ini 2nd performance The Royal deh, tapi 1st performance The Royal Boyband hahaha...
Hmmm... kualitas audionya lumayan cuman gambarnya burem gitu, btw overall mantap koq.
Rate: 5*

Anonymous said...

waduh...nanti kalau kelihatan ama yang punya SONY BMG bisa bakalan cepetan dikontrak nih...
terutama yang kasih bunga...
GBU & Tetap SEMANGAT....